Gift Baskets for Someone with a Green Thumb

Gift Baskets for Someone with a Green ThumbMany things in life are acquired skills. We can learn many skills such as a foreign language, the guitar and how to drive. But something about plants is often confusing. It takes a person with a special know how and frequently a good amount of experience to understand how to grow plants. As such we should celebrate our friends with green thumbs and their abilities with gifts that reflect their talents. So what do you give a person who loves to garden?

 Gift Baskets for Someone with a Green Thumb

Consider giving your gardening aficionado a gift basket from Wald Imports. You can fill one of our gardening totes with gloves, a spray bottle, some organic seeds or maybe even some rose bulbs. Your green thumb will certainly appreciate your gift and reusable gardening tote. Or drop a flowering plant into one of our wheel barrow planters, a simple and cute idea. We have a huge selection with just about any style you can imagine. Also consider our other containers that would look nice in anyone’s garden by browsing through our yearly or seasonal catalogs.
